International seminar

Trade and Transport Facilitation

27-29.04. 2020

About event
On April 27-29, 2020 the Xth International Seminar on Trade and Transport Facilitation «Multimodal transport data exchange, digital transport corridors, and trade facilitation» will be held in Odesa, Ukraine within the framework of the International Trade and Transport Week.
The Seminar is the follow up of the results of the 9th seminar "Data Sharing for Multimodal Transport and Trade Facilitation in the Common European Space" (Odessa, May 28, 2019). It will focus on the data exchange in multimodal transport based on international standards, so that data is readily used and re-used in Port Community Systems, Single Window systems and within the framework of multimodal corridors using Data Pipeline.
This year, given the situation that has developed in Ukraine and all over the world in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the seminar will be held in online format.

Seminar will focus on facilitating data exchange among different stakeholders and modes of transport using UN/CEFACT standards, reference data models, and schemas. Electronic data exchange in trade and transport is even more important under the COVID-19 emergency, because of the need to decrease physical person-to-person interaction and expenses in the supply chain.

Participants from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova,
Tajikistan, and Ukraine have been invited to participate

During the seminar the representatives of the Government of Ukraine, UNECE, WTO, UN/CEFACT, WEF, International Port Community Systems Association, Association «UKRZOVNISHTRANS», ICC Ukraine and Ukrainian Sea Port Authority will discuss progress in WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation implementation in Ukraine; issues of creating National Single Window and data harmonization.
Also, delegates of relevant international organizations will consider the following issues:

collection and analysis of key transport documents forms and formats (consignment notes, bills of lading, etc.), e.g. used for transportation along corridors (Baltic Sea-Black Sea, GUAM), data alignment to the UN/CEFACT multimodal transport and other reference data models, the issue of a standard data set for multimodal transport; and what has been done since the seminar in May 2019;

the use of documents, data sets and schemas based on UN/CEFACT deliverables in real business process;

the concrete electronic consignment notes eCMR (aligned to the UN/CEFACT multimodal transport reference data model) and CIM/SMGS;

the use of a standardized multimodal transport data set in Port Community Systems, Single Window facilities, data pipelines, and in such corridors as Baltic Sea-Black Sea (Odessa-Klaipeda) or GUAM.

This approach is in line with the recommendations of the UNECE seminars in Odessa on 28 May 2019 and in Minsk,
10-11 December 2018.
For its 10-year history, the annual UNECE Odessa seminars were associated with three success stories:
the establishment of the Port Community System in Odessa, operated by PPL 33-35 LLC;
the establishment of the National Working Group on Trade Facilitation and Logistics;
the readiness assessment and work on implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in Ukraine.
The workshop will take place over three days
27-29 April 2020
10:30-14:00 Kiev time (GMT+3)
9:30-13:00 CET (GMT+2)
The agenda will cover the following issues:
Data sharing between documents of different modes of transport:

• developments after the seminar on 28 May 2019 on data sharing between multiple modes of transport based on common standards,

• electronic data exchange on railway transport and integration with other modes of transport;
Data sharing on the example of the eCMR consignment note;
Possibilities for practical implementation of the presented concepts;
Port Community Systems and standardized data exchange;
Closing session, recommendations – how to involve the business community and regulatory bodies for further implementation of the data sharing initiative.

Draft Agenda

27-29 April 2020(online seminar, Ukraine, Odessa)

27 April 2020
10:00 – 10:30 09:00–09:30 CET
Opening of the 10th jubilee seminar
Welcome: Representative of the Government of Ukraine

Ms. Elizabeth Tuerk, Director, UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division

Mr. Ivan Petrov, Senior Vice President, FIATA

Mr. Oleg Platonov, Head of Delegation of Ukraine to UN/CEFACT, First Vice-President of ICC Ukraine, President Ukrvneshtrans Association
10:30 – 12:00
09:30–11:00 CET

Session І: Data harmonization and information exchange in multimodal transport based on the international conventions and standards
Moderator: Mr. Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser, UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division

Concept of multimodal corridor using a set of transport documents and data based on the recommendations of the Ninth Seminar in Odessa (2019) New challenges in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and electronic data exchange.

Mr. Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser, UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division

New UN/CEFACT recommendations, tools and presentation of the UN/CEFACT standards

Mr. Lance Thompson, Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division

Results of the project on standard data set, aligned with the international standards and data models. Data harmonization and UN/CEFACT Reference Data Models.

Ms. Sue Probert, Chairperson of the UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)

Electronic data exchange in rail transport

Mr. Francesco Dionori, Chief of Section, UNECE Sustainable Transport Division

Electronic railway consignment note CIM/SMGS

Mr. Erik Evtimov, Deputy Secretary General, International Rail Transport Committee (CIT)

12:00 – 12:30 11:00–11:30 CET
Coffee break
12:30 – 14:00 11:30–13:00 CET
Session IІ: Practical implementation of standardized data and documents in multimodal transport
Moderator: Mr. Oleksandr Fedorov, Director General, LLC "PPL 33-35"

Documents used for traffic of goods in Digital Transport Corridors

Mr. Oleksandr Fedorov, Director General, LLC "PPL 33-35"

Blockchain based solution for Data Pipeline of Digital Transport Corridors

Mr. Yury Paberyi, Chief Technical Officer, European Digital & Sourcing Consultancy (Lithuania)

Belarus national segment of Eurasian Digital Transport Corridors

Dr. Valery Virkovski, Senior Expert of EU4Digital project, eTrade and Digital Transport Corridors stream

Data sharing between documents of different modes of transport
Mr. Jens Hügel, Senior Adviser, IRU

28 April 2020
10:30 – 12:00 09:30–11:00 CET

Session IIІ: Data exchange in multimodal transport based on international standards. Electronic documents in international trade – example of electronic consignment note eCMR
Moderator: Mr. Mario Apostolov Regional Adviser, UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division


Ms. Rebecca Huang, Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE Sustainable Transport Division and

Mr. Konstantinos Alexopoulos, Chief of Section, UNECE Sustainable Transport Division

UN/CEFACT e-CMR Consignment Note Message Standard

Mr. Rudy Hemeleers, 51Biz Luxembourg, partner of the EU/DTLF FEDeRATED consortium

Electronic Consignment Note eCMR and UN/CEFACT Reference Data Models

Ms. Sue Probert, Chairperson of the UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)

eCMR from the users' perspective Comments from partners.

12:00 – 12:30 11:00–11:30 CET
Coffee break
12:30 – 14:00 11:30–13:00 CET
Moderator: Mr. Oleksandr Fedorov, Director General, LLC "PPL 33-35"

eCMR Project in the Baltic Sea Region states (BSR). DIGINNO Initiative – how governmental bodies can help business in digital economy (G2B)

Mr. Richardas Bedulskis, Lithuania, member of the national working group on eCMR, vice-president of Infobalt

Participation of Ukraine in the project for development of electronic bill of lading based on the blockchain technology

Ms. Galina Roizina, Executive Director, LLC "PPL 33-35"

Llegal aspects of practical implementation of standardized documents and data in corridor and their basis

Mr. Oleg Platonov, Head of Ukrainian Delegation under UN/CEFACT, First Vice-President of ICC Ukraine, President of Association "UKRVNESHTRANS"

29 April 2020
10:30 – 12:00 09:30–11:00 CET

Session IV: Connected and Sustainable Trade and Supply Chain Systems
Moderator: Mr Hans Rook, Chairman, IPCSA

Network of Trusted Networks - Connecting electronic exchange platforms":

Mr. Richard Morton, Secretary General, IPCSA 20+10min

The impact of digitalization of the supply chain on sustainable development goals

Mr. Jalal Benhayoun, Director, JSC "Portnet", Morocco 20+10min

Point of no return. Overcoming obstacles in the development of PCS

Mr. Lev Bayazitov, Consultant, LLC "PPL 33-35"

Maritime Single Window as a tool for electronic vessel-shore data exchange

Mr. Dmitry Yakimenkov, expert, LLC "PPL 33-35"

12:00 – 12:30 11:00–11:30 CET
12:30 – 14:00 11:30–13:00 CET
Closing session: recommendations

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